Walks Update

Saturday, July 08, 2006



Everything changes. The following notes update Great Walks of Vancouver for developments since 2004.

Page 20, next to last line: You now get off at SW Marine Drive and Weswood Mall. (Also on p.21 second para.,Swordfern Trail is temporarily closed due to windstorm damage hazard. At present, bikers and walkers are going west to a few metres past the nearby gravel driveway and following a muddy cycle-tire marked trail that passes the chain-link gate. They then keep generally parallel to the edge of the forest, keeping outside all chain-linked structures to reach a sign saying Imperial Trail. This leads into F2 and beyond.)

Page 184 starts by saying "Belcarra has no weekend transit service.." This is no longer true. So you can elect to go to Belcarra or, to follow the book's directions, catch a White Pine Beach Special in Ioco at 2nd Avenue at approximately 9:45 a.m. (and hourly thereafter), reaching White Pine Beach about 10 minutes later. Or, you can connect with this bus at Coquitlam Station on the half-hours. If driving you can park in Ioco, bus to White Pine Beach, take the walk and end at your vehicle.

Page 222, last sentence: After "until it meets" continue "Crawley Avenue. Turn left and then right on Bromley Street to meet Austin Road. Cross and continue on the other side to reach Gate No. 9 of Mundy Park."

Page 238 line 3: "a sign indicates Ceperley House". The sign now says "Burnaby Art Gallery".

Page 241 line 5: "use the overpass to cross ..." There is no overpass; just cross the road at the crosswalk.

Page 273, last paragraph:Replace whole paragraph with "Cross at the crosswalk." (There is now one in place.)

Page 285 line 6: Gleneagles Community Centre on the left at Marine Drive, has washrooms and a concession.

Page 319, line 3: At SW Marine Drive, you should now turn left and walk to the next (Weswood Mall) intersection and catch a bus in your preferred direction home.

Page 344: At Mud Bay Park, W127, a fence has been built between the park and the railway. When I last went (Jan '07) I could still cross the railway under the freeway overpass and also at the riverbank dike. However, a chain link fence has been placed across the dike heading east from the rail bridge, clearly stating that the dike is private and stopping further progress. The leader of a party of six walkers e-mailed me to say that they had walked the north side of Highway 99 from the railway to Serpentine Fen and resumed the trail there. I tried their solution taking the access road leading up to the highway's north east corner and it was less than 20 minutes to Serpentine Fen. Another hiker wrote to say that on Feb 7, we were able to go round or squeeze through the fences across the dike by the BNR. The gate was open on the east side of the BNR.
An alternative is to start the day at 125A Street and 56th Avenue. Take the two-hourly bus to Scott Road and change to the 318 bus to Mathews Exchange. At the end of the hike at Mud Bay, walk up to the start.

For news of our walks since this book, click onto Further Walks


July 2006  

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